The WoW or Gold Brainstormz Podcast Index

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Diary Post - My Plans 16th of February 2012


There's a lot of things happening both in-game and out of the game that are WoW and gaming related in general. After seeing Jim's livestream I was incredibly inspired to get my own show on the road, to say the least. What I mean by that is so much more than WoW, so let's just leave it at that. Make sure to follow him @powerwordgold on Twitter! His stream is really good, especially if you enjoy a relaxed experience with a fellow gamer.

Here's parts of my current plan. Things will change, but today i'm focusing on just putting some of my goals and ideas out there, especially since the first thing I choose to focus on will affect how much time I put into this very blog in future.

  • Move my focus from writing on this blog to recording and posting videos for Youtube. I'll put posts on the blog when I post something, but i'll spend less time writing and more time talking. It's all about learning and the endgame. I'm all about new challenges in order to keep things fresh and interesting for myself, so the best way for me to evolve is by increasing the toughness of the challenges I choose.

Read my plans after the jump...

Real Life related goals
  • Begin adding posts on my Grayz Mind blog where i'll focus on real life goals and move away from WoW, although WoW and my real life goals are very tightly connected. You want to know how? Here's a list of areas where WoW combined with my imagination has and will help me get better in the future; Blogging, Streaming, Radio, Networking, Books, Education, Economy, Organisation, Communication, Movies and Music.
  • Look into how I can use my old PC to reach my new goals faster because only using the Mac will make it take longer. Well so it seems. 
  • Get used to the transition from PC to Mac.
  • Learn how to edit video using ScreenFlow.
  • Learn how to edit audio on one of the programs I use on Mac. The best would be sticking to one, but it seems like i'll need to use different programs for different tasks, until I get a better hang of things. This goal is very tightly connected to making music, which is a lovely hobby of mine. Multitasking always wins it for me!
  • Making catchy WoW tunes twice a year to get some extra 'attention'. No joke haha.
  • Learn how to stream and start streaming once I feel comfortable about video/audio editing on the Mac. I've never really mastered the two in Windows, but I do have some experience. Especially from the music perspective so I count on running with it once I get the basics down. 
  • Learn how to record dual audio tracks in Skype for eventual interviews and other projects.
  • Appear on one or more podcasts in one form or another. Not only WoW related podcasts. The non WoW podcasts will be highlighted on my other blog.
  • Use my future knowledge about streaming in music and use it together with the hip hop band that i'm in.
ScreenFlow 3, THX sound, a flux/Jim thumbnail from a stream I recorded,a mind map with keywords like Network, Music, Radio etc and my Mac.

Wow related goals
  • Write a book about WoW from my personal perspective. No, not a guide in any way! I'll let the rest of the WoW writers do that. I walk my own path, but I always like to be inspired by others in true Picasso style. And honestly, having seen Jim (fluxdada) and his progress has really sped up all kinds of processes. He surely isn't going to stand still in one spot either and neither will I. No wonder I picked him as my number one role model in the blogging community on early, once I heard him on JMTC! 
  • Level my druid on Draenor more often by using the Looking for Dungeon tool.
  • Make Misdirect more focused with pre set segments. I'm moving towards uploading them in 2-part series. So that's 30 minute chunks. Could work.
  • Do something related to "Podcast Highlights" where I highlight some podcasts with clips from the ones that make me laugh, but i'll probably highlight other favorites too.
  • Make another Youtube show which takes off where Misdirect began. A name I had was Multi-Shot, but I think i'll change it to something else. It will be a free flow kind of project where I talk about what comes to mind. At the same time ill have some in-game footage showing instead of slideshows which was all I used in Misdirect 1-4.
  • Level my DK on Draenor for the faster mount. Hopefully withstand farming long enough to do it while queuing. Maybe drop a gathering profession for a crafting one. Not sure.
  • Farm hunter pets on BDF with my good old main. Two of the targets are Jadefang and Terrorpene. From the little that i've looked for them Terrorpene's harder to find.
  • Do the Looking for Raid and kill Deathwing on both of my level 85 hunters. There's no rush for this one, so it can wait a couple of months.
  • Continue with the arbitrage business on Draenor.
  • Move from Skada to Recount. Skada Recount plugin. Less resource hogging.
  • Use Power Auras. An addon that i've been trying to use over and over, but never really seem to use to it's full extent.
  • Slowly get back into selling mogging gear on Alliance side on Draenor.
  • Slowly do Loremaster on BDF or on AGA. I'm leaning towards AGA  since i'm more at peace there. Although doing it there might prove a waste of time. No! It's a good challenge and BoA achievements makes it worth it? Do it slowly. (That right there is an example of my thought process. Unedited. Pure and uncut).
Twin Peaks - Alliance should've won

You notice how few of those goals that are in-game related? It's evolution and i'm tilting the scales in favor of the business side of me rather than the old gaming side. The University of WoW has finally begun moving me in the right directions in real life. I'm loving it! 

Make up your mind, envision yourself living your dream and work diligently to reach your goals. All of a sudden you'll notice that you're there. Find that source of inspiration and run with it, in whatever you do! Always.

For all readers and all people that have shown any kind of support, even if just by coming by for 1 visit. Thank you! This post is a good epilogue since it has the same structure as my first (read second) real post.

1 comment:

  1. Holly Mate, you are focused, All I can say is Good luck and enjoy it the max.
    I will be here waiting to see some of it and good hunting. =)
