The WoW or Gold Brainstormz Podcast Index

Saturday, August 5, 2023

WoG Love Letterz # 4 - Playing My Positions Like Superstars Do

The backlog of recordings keeps growing. Life is very busy and I'm prioritizing other things than gaming and podcasting

I'm grateful that I was able to help chip in @ Skylander when he wanted a gaming rig a couple of years back. The reason I mention that is because of this; Lil' Grayz will have his laptop coming in next week. That will be a huge day for Lil' Grayz! 

I discuss my new position at work (1 month has passed), things I've done and learned. Skills I've learned in the past that help me in the present. I mention the importance of accountability, adaptability, integrity, being respectful, leadership skills, being a teamplayer, listening intently, being sincere, handling complaints and more

Honorable mention to Atmosphere in 2023:
Atmosphere (the hip hop band) are finally getting closer to being back to their old levels It's been about two decades since I enjoyed their albums a LOT! I'm not there yet but I have been bumping the Bigger Pictures (Youtube link) song nonstop lately! Not had that happen for soooo many years with Atmosphere although they release albums very regularly. SLug's voice is unique so a distorted sound efx is NOT my cup of tea + Slug's choices @ beats etc etc. I digress

On that Atmosphere note, Slug's journey is very similar to mine with my different projects. This podcast project actually highlights that more than anything else since it's the longest running project that is out there and official to the public

Those that get the comparison get it get it, those that don't don't. And it's fine. What's important is that I do and understand why that is. Long story short; Our creations mirror our lives and the way we view and do things as the decades roll by in life. What a beautiful and yet crazy journey!

Lastly, no other musicians have affected me the way Atmosphere have. But I also experience music entirely different from most people which it's why it is so important to my being. Even if it can be years without me listening to anything depending on which flow my life is in and where my focus is at

Check out these Interviews with Slug and Ant respectively. Both videos are two-parters Slug pt 1 Slug pt 2  Ant pt 1 Ant pt 2


This episode was recorded during Dragonflight

Watch my Twitch vods for the full Grayz experience

Thanks for listening and take care out there
I Love You!

WoW info NA Main. 1.6k RBGs'thuzad/Globallxd Main alt

Bloodbound. Guild on Sargeras Recruitment post Winterz Twitch channel. Guildmaster

HARD SERVE. Guild on Kel’thuzad Tim’s Twitch channel. Guildmaster

WoW info EU New main. RBG’s in the future New main alt Ex main

Azeroth Defence Force - ADF PVPXTV Community (The name has changed from Alliance to Azeroth during Dragonflight)
Discord invite code, member channels, list of in-game guilds & communities and community addons

Grayz Content I type things whenever I feel like it in whichever quantity I want to Inactive project officially, but I upload hidden videos for my own learning process. I make some stuff public here and there I stream randomly depending on life and energy. I prefer using my mic but sometimes I just hit a playlist and go silent. More probable to happen if I PVP where the action is the action and I don't feel a need to speak. If Levelling using my mic feels mandatory cause of how I function as a learner and entertainer. I have 10 years of hardcore acting experience on stage (within Theatre) I’m inactive there but I created an account 

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