The WoW or Gold Brainstormz Podcast Index

Friday, November 15, 2024

Meanwhile on Twitch... Grayz has become a streamer against his own will - He's paying the price of being hardcore on a world class level 🤣

Notice! This is a flashback. It was written the 12th of November and a LOT has happened since then 🤣🤣 All text is copied from Twitch @Grayztv_ at the time.

GrayzBDF - Before joining Team Effortless
2024:11 - Sweden - The Past - Created this handle on Twitter and Twitch back in 2011. The name was used within the extended WoW and gaming space in general. But me being me WoW was my primary game. Other favourite games have been Lost Ark, Clash of Clans, Counter Strike, Diablo II and others. Been gaming with friends since the VIC 20 and Commodore 64 days. I was there for ATARI 5XX, AMIGA, 8-Bit Nintendo and all of the other classic consoles as well. It's been a fun ride for sure with it's many ups and downs. 

Always played to improve whether it was playing WoW, raiding, pvping or to make gold in ways that I enjoyed. This was one of the reason I created the "WoW or Gold - A Hardcore Mindset" blog in 2011 as well. I've used WoW to practice skills like writing on the blog, podcasting, Youtube, social media, streaming on Twitch, economy, marketing, networking, managing people, writing guides and much more. 

My linktree links to several of those projects. They're being renamed over time since GrayzTV_ was born via this specific Twitch project and the people I became friends with within Team Effortless, Planet Gaming Gang and Marbles Community United communities. The four founders of these amazing communities have changed the trajectory of my online & real life forever. That's a PG Promise! I appreciate you all immensely! The GrayzBDF Saga has finally come to an end. I want to thank every single person that was a part of it online and offline. Whether friend or foe. You all mattered. 
I love you! 

GrayzBDF - After joining Team Effortless
2024:10 - Sweden - The Present - This adventure requires an extreme amount of effort because of my new likeminded friends that want me to achieve goals that I don't care about (except EMOTES & VIP'S!). This Twitch journey is the biggest irony of my ENTIRE life. That says a LOT FFS LMFAO!!! 

There's no way I will be able to only play WoW. Slowly choosing & installing certain games. There's no way I will be able to improve as a Sub Rogue @ WoW as planned via Twitch. I'm brainstorming Youtube solutions in a worst case scenario that seems inevitable, against my will haha. WIll I have time to do it though? 

There's no way I will be able to ignore my own Twitch chat as planned since my dear friends will be in there distracting me when they want / can. There's no way I will be able to ignore all of the challenges that pull me in via my dear friends. 100% Just chatting streams against my will? Yes, I'm looking at YOU! This has already happened more than once already by the way and I LOVED and hated it ROFL. 

There's no way I will be able to avoid horror games if I know myself well enough. Silent Hill and maybe even Dead Space are very high on my tier list. A list that I'm creating against my own will mind you LMFAO. I've actively avoided all things horror like the plague since 2017 - 2018. With my energetic coding it was a matter of life and death. Horror is NOT my vibe, but friends.... oh my dear annoying friends, me playing horror games in the future is inevitable now, isn’t it!? I mean at least 30 - 40% of you lot are afraid of horror as well... Sadly most likely to be continued.... 2024:11 

P.S. If Grayz only knew how much things would change within him before October even ended LMFAO

At this point it was still GrayzBDF that was writing. Meaning that an update is coming but who knows when?