The WoW or Gold Brainstormz Podcast Index

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Signs of That Hardcore Life?

"You missed me?" - Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.

WoW is better than ever right at this moment and will become even better in 3 days (NA) / 4 days (EU), when The War Within pre patch launches and we officially enter the next expansions gameplay.

I'm more competitive than ever so I won't share how I'm preparing for The War Within in-depth at all. It's a long story and actually has nothing to do with WoW, but rather has to do with mindsets I was drawn to in my teens without being aware of the levels I was achieving things at. Sometimes when you stop doing and just reflect is when you realise the most profound things about yourself. Or maybe not? Who cares. Moving along aaalllriiighty then ahaha.

I can mention some topics that I'm extremely focused on right now before pre patch launch and before the expansion is released
The War Within levelling 70 - 80.
Gold crafting in The War Within. 

Reshuffling Dragonflight professions on a few characters. Making sure I can craft items whenever I need within my own ecosystem on EU. NA won't be as gold focused at all to avoid burnout. I decided to switch things around since I can pay for my Warbank access on EU and it will unlock across my Battlenet account. My 2nd Battlenet account's Warbank will be used depending on how things evolve. If I make the gold I intend to it will have 4 slots as well. Paying 2.5 million for having 5 slots is uncecessary. Better off paying for other things that I need with Battlenet balance before splurging on 98 slots. Alts are free as long as you have Battlenet space haha. But in the far future if I have more gold than I need, sure, then I will unlock all tabs on both accounts "because I CAN!".

Deciding which classes will have which professions. Rogues will have the most in-depth/advanced profession perspectives since that's the class I still enjoy the most right now. By far. 

PVP (Rated Blitz BGs). Preparing by listening to a lot of LoL (League of Legends) content about Ranked and how to improve and think within that bracket. Ranked Blitz will be extremely similar. I don't League, but I take mindsets from wherever I can to reach my goals and to improve and achieve dreams. WoW isn't as competitive at all since most of the content creators lack that diehard bawlz to the wawl passion. So I'll look elsewhere. Might even sign up on a site if I feel like the information I get can be translated close enough. I've done this in the past so it's nothing new. 

Alts 10 - 70 in both Remix and outside. In Remix I'm doing 5-man runs solo. Been a long time since I had fun doing it. Enjoying my Trial account Holy Priest. Requires a lot less time than setting up the level 70 route that others chose. Like always when the mainstream does one thing, I wait, do other stuff and then act once I see something solid that feels worth my time. 

NA region = PVP & Gameplay. I'll level here first.
EU region = Gold, PVP & Gameplay. I'll make gold via crafting here first.

TSM. Cleaning, new groups, learning about formulas, streamlining, adding mules, bankers and realms much more aggressively. 

Playing about 12 accounts. Subbed to one too many, but it works out because it adds options while I have them all active. The timings of the Sale lined up and so did the wallet. So yeah, I'm more addicted to WoW than ever ahah.

That's it. See ya on the flipside. 

I'll hopefully stream Blitz a lot since my guess is that I'll have to be the one that creates the specific content I want to watch. Only hard part is balancing energy with streaming since I go extremely hard at life and if I don't speak and discuss while streaming what's the point of being live? That's my pov. 

Hopefully I'll practice streaming without talking so that I have vods I can add to Youtube and rewatch while I work on improving on my Sub Rogues. Sub Rogue is the Jungler in League for sure. With my life I should play something a lot more chill like Fire Mage but my mind is my mind and strategies and tactics is all in the game. That's why I LOVE Chess even if I hardly ever play it. But I use it as a way of thinking daily.

Huge shout outs to
Georgewow. Sorely missed. The Mana Cooler was such a chill vibe. 

Rich Fischer. Horde for Life. Miss the old solo episodes extremely much. They were so good. I hope you're doing well, Rich.

A Paladin's Tale. Forgot his name but I remember the impact.

Byron, Reckful, rest in peace. You made the Rogue class something entirely different than just being a class in a game. Thank you! Thanks to the ones keeping his vod archive alive as well.

Jim Younkin. Tried viewing some old TSM videos. They're gone now but yeah. I hope you, April and the family's doing good.

Zerohour. Stay on top, boss! Strategies we discussed 10+ years ago are being acted upon right now. Thank you for sharing your mindset.

WTB Gold your vibe is sorely missed. That positivity is needed. Luckily I have a great passionate memory so I can just unlock those memories. Thank you. I truly hope you return this expansion and that your doing well but real life first. Always.

Gevlon, The Greedy Goblin, mindsets mindsets bro. Thank you! I'm valuing that ONE single bag slot space more than ever and there will be A LOT of purging going on once I have Warbank access ahaha. But I'll also keep certain things cause some stuff randomly goes up in value. Most doesn't, but a few things do. Thank you once again.

Take care!

Grayz aka Globalled 

Saturday, August 5, 2023

WoG Love Letterz # 4 - Playing My Positions Like Superstars Do

The backlog of recordings keeps growing. Life is very busy and I'm prioritizing other things than gaming and podcasting

I'm grateful that I was able to help chip in @ Skylander when he wanted a gaming rig a couple of years back. The reason I mention that is because of this; Lil' Grayz will have his laptop coming in next week. That will be a huge day for Lil' Grayz! 

I discuss my new position at work (1 month has passed), things I've done and learned. Skills I've learned in the past that help me in the present. I mention the importance of accountability, adaptability, integrity, being respectful, leadership skills, being a teamplayer, listening intently, being sincere, handling complaints and more

Honorable mention to Atmosphere in 2023:
Atmosphere (the hip hop band) are finally getting closer to being back to their old levels It's been about two decades since I enjoyed their albums a LOT! I'm not there yet but I have been bumping the Bigger Pictures (Youtube link) song nonstop lately! Not had that happen for soooo many years with Atmosphere although they release albums very regularly. SLug's voice is unique so a distorted sound efx is NOT my cup of tea + Slug's choices @ beats etc etc. I digress

On that Atmosphere note, Slug's journey is very similar to mine with my different projects. This podcast project actually highlights that more than anything else since it's the longest running project that is out there and official to the public

Those that get the comparison get it get it, those that don't don't. And it's fine. What's important is that I do and understand why that is. Long story short; Our creations mirror our lives and the way we view and do things as the decades roll by in life. What a beautiful and yet crazy journey!

Lastly, no other musicians have affected me the way Atmosphere have. But I also experience music entirely different from most people which it's why it is so important to my being. Even if it can be years without me listening to anything depending on which flow my life is in and where my focus is at

Check out these Interviews with Slug and Ant respectively. Both videos are two-parters Slug pt 1 Slug pt 2  Ant pt 1 Ant pt 2


This episode was recorded during Dragonflight

Watch my Twitch vods for the full Grayz experience

Thanks for listening and take care out there
I Love You!

WoW info NA Main. 1.6k RBGs'thuzad/Globallxd Main alt

Bloodbound. Guild on Sargeras Recruitment post Winterz Twitch channel. Guildmaster

HARD SERVE. Guild on Kel’thuzad Tim’s Twitch channel. Guildmaster

WoW info EU New main. RBG’s in the future New main alt Ex main

Azeroth Defence Force - ADF PVPXTV Community (The name has changed from Alliance to Azeroth during Dragonflight)
Discord invite code, member channels, list of in-game guilds & communities and community addons

Grayz Content I type things whenever I feel like it in whichever quantity I want to Inactive project officially, but I upload hidden videos for my own learning process. I make some stuff public here and there I stream randomly depending on life and energy. I prefer using my mic but sometimes I just hit a playlist and go silent. More probable to happen if I PVP where the action is the action and I don't feel a need to speak. If Levelling using my mic feels mandatory cause of how I function as a learner and entertainer. I have 10 years of hardcore acting experience on stage (within Theatre) I’m inactive there but I created an account 

For more episodes click here

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

WoG Brainstormz # 53 - Insights of the Shadow Self

My AWC mindset has been taking things too far during Dragonflight. Slowing down A LOT by faffin' about on alts doing whatever instead of tryharding 247 on my Rogues, overdoing it.


Calming down from doing constant learning pushes with my Rogues. Real life pressure spilling into WoW. A downside of having mindset at a world class level since the early teens. Old habits die hard. Sometimes. Hence, aiming to balance life with all of the constant and huge changes that are happening on all fronts in my life. When to practice for perfection vs when to take it easier. Will use my BM Hunters in Solo Shuffles while playing other toons while waiting. RBG Lead again? Playing on EU very actively again. Missed the teamwork of my home region. A lot. Playing objective Rogues

This episode was recorded during Dragonflight

Watch my Twitch vods for the full Grayz experience. Actually streamed yesterday. Whaaaat?!? Nvidia GeForce Experience makes it so much faster to just go with less hassle than OBS and they'll be even more cracked out now than ever ehaha

Take care out there
I Love You!

WoW info NA Main'thuzad/Globallxd Main alt Horde “main”. Running with chill communities every now and then

Bloodbound. Guild on Sargeras Recruitment post Winterz Twitch channel. Guildmaster

HARD SERVE. Guild on Kel’thuzad Tim’s Twitch channel. Guildmaster

WoW info EU Main. RBG’s in the future  Main alt Ex main

Azeroth Defence Force - ADF PVPXTV Community (The name has been changed from Alliance to Azeroth during Dragonflight)
Discord invite code, member channels, list of in-game guilds & communities and community addons

Grayz Content I type things whenever I feel like it in whichever quantity I want to  Inactive project officially, but I upload hidden videos for my own learning process. Might make some stuff official later on when I can focus on such things  Reactivated project since I got hold of a PC at the end of february, thanks to one of my beloved sisters. Finally have a gaming PC again so I can record and stream WoW PVP! Improving so much faster. Again. Especially since my mindset just keeps on evolving. Michael Jordan level now Can't stream solely using Nvidia GeForce Experience from what I know at the moment. I'm inactive there but I created an account and I am curious about that platform to be honest. For several reasons. The fact it’s an entirely different experience from the Twitch and Youtube viewer experience is a very welcome change

For more episodes click here

Friday, May 19, 2023

WoG Brainstormz # 52 - Dragonflight Season 2 Actions

Gearing my Rogues and enjoying it. Done some Skirmishes. Noticing improvements and having more time to think while playing in real-time. Things are slowly becoming second nature. Considering switching to streaming and using Nvidia's Geforce Experience to make it more seamless

Take care out there

I Love You!

WoW info NA Main. 1.6k RBGs'thuzad/Globallxd Main alt Horde “main”. Will run Epic + BGs with chill communities every now and then. Nothing else planned

Bloodbound. Guild on Sargeras Recruitment post Winterz Twitch channel. Guildmaster

HARD SERVE. Guild on Kel’thuzad Tim’s Twitch channel. Guildmaster

WoW info EU New main. RBG’s in the future New main alt Ex main

Azeroth Defence Force - ADF PVPXTV Community (The name has been changed from Alliance to Azeroth during Dragonflight)

Discord invite code, member channels, list of in-game guilds & communities and community addons

Grayz Content I type things whenever I feel like it in whichever quantity I want to  Inactive project officially, but I upload hidden videos for my own learning process. Might make some stuff official later on when I can focus on such things  Reactivated project since I got hold of a PC at the end of february, thanks to one of my beloved sisters. Finally have a gaming PC again so I can record and stream WoW PVP! Improving so much faster. Again. Especially since my mindset just keeps on evolving. Michael Jordan level now I’m inactive there but I created an account and I am curious about that platform to be honest. For several reasons. The fact it’s an entirely different experience from the Twitch and Youtube viewer experience is a very welcome change

For more episodes click here

Saturday, May 6, 2023

WoG Brainstormz # 51 - New PVP Seasonal Behaviours Before 10.1 Release

Notice! This was recorded before 10.1 release

My thoughts before doing my very first Solo Shuffle (writing shownotes before uploading. Afternoon 5/5 - 23. I've only done one Shuffler and I LOVED it even more than I ever thought I would haha. Rewatching that gameplay has been godsent). Using the Git Gud Gaming website for learning buffs and debuffs, my need to play consistently if I want quantum leaps to happen.

Deciding on getting into the Arena bracket seriously for Season 2. Using my knowledge from Chess when breaking down PVP, especially @ Arena brackets; The opening, the midgame, the endgame. 

Also, from a futuristic perspective: The better I will get the harder it will be to see progress. At the very top you train & fight the hardest for the smallest percentages of gains. But the gains you add consistently are the exact reason why you gain an edge vs your competition, if they slack. Especially if you end up in a position where the competition stops being your competition simply because you are dominating in mental, practice and execution on the playing field.

That is the Greatest of All Time levels among the Grandmasters, and within any part of life, only extremely few ever get to that level and the amount of people that truly understand what it takes to get there is few as well.

I love living my lives in the faster lane. Stay on top!

This episode was recorded during Dragonflight

Watch my Twitch vods for the full Grayz experience 

Take care out there
I Love You!

WoW info NA Main. 1.6k RBGs'thuzad/Globallxd Main alt Horde “main”. Will run Epic + BGs with chill communities every now and then. Nothing else planned

Bloodbound. Guild on Sargeras Recruitment post Winterz Twitch channel. Guildmaster

HARD SERVE. Guild on Kel’thuzad Tim’s Twitch channel. Guildmaster

WoW info EU New main. RBG’s in the future New main alt Ex main

Azeroth Defence Force - ADF PVPXTV Community (The name has been changed from Alliance to Azeroth during Dragonflight)
Discord invite code, member channels, list of in-game guilds & communities and community addons 

Grayz Content I type things whenever I feel like it in whichever quantity I want to  Inactive project officially, but I upload hidden videos for my own learning process. Might make some stuff official later on when I can focus on such things  Reactivated project since I got hold of a PC at the end of february, thanks to one of my beloved sisters. Finally have a gaming PC again so I can record and stream WoW PVP! Improving so much faster. Again. Especially since my mindset just keeps on evolving. Michael Jordan level now I’m inactive there but I created an account and I am curious about that platform to be honest. For several reasons. The fact it’s an entirely different experience from the Twitch and Youtube viewer experience is a very welcome change

For more episodes click here

Sunday, April 23, 2023

WoG Brainstormz # 50 - Dragonflight Season 1 Ends in 10 Days

Message from my sponsors: Here it is, bois! Yet another milestone episode! You can pay me over at Patreon, Twitch, Youtube, Kickstarter etc etc etc haha. Let's get that scrilla!

Notice! I used that scratchy ass sounding jacket. It’s annoying but there’s no way I’ll rerecord this episode which was hyper-focused. Riplolwuh

The very first WoW podcast, "Dictaphone Sessions", that I recorded was recorded back in 2012. What a journey this has been! WoW Life

Huge change in mindset this season even when I thought I'd let it be and focus on season 2 instead. RBGs, seeing rating on correct character @ Check PVP, why the feeling of completion is crucial the more I want to compete,how I can gain rating fast if I play, leading RBGs, recording games off-stream, analyse on-stream

Deciding on a new Sub build (Avidance main RBG build) where I skip Secret Technique which I love, but that does AoE and use Echoing Reprimand instead for single target, saving energy and building combo points and doing damage instantly after using Cheap Shots during Shadow Dance. I use the same keybind for Cheap Shot and Echoing

RBGs is the real drug, practicing specific drills after watching Avidance during my downtimes at home a lot lately. Doing simple analysis on the fly. Rewinding videos when needed for specific breakdowns of what happened and in which order, seeing a lot of Rogue tricks in action that he does habitually

Zooming the camera closer to my Rogues in WoW helps with things like Gouge, positioning and many other things. Actually seeing the enemy's front being visible clearer makes split-decision making easier and with Rogue every split-second is extremely important. It's not like healing with a Rasta Druid haha

Take care out there
I Love You

WoW info NA Main. 1.6k RBGs'thuzad/Globallxd Main alt Horde “main”. Will run Epic + BGs with chill communities every now and then. Nothing else planned

Bloodbound. Guild on Sargeras Recruitment post Winterz Twitch channel. Guildmaster

HARD SERVE. Guild on Kel’thuzad Tim’s Twitch channel. Guildmaster

WoW info EU New main. RBG’s in the future New main alt Ex main

Azeroth Defence Force - ADF PVPXTV Community (The name has been from Alliance to Azeroth changed during Dragonflight 10.0.7)
Discord invite code, member channels, list of in-game guilds & communities and community addons 

Grayz Content I type things whenever I feel like it in whichever quantity I want to  Inactive project officially, but I upload hidden videos for my own learning process. Might make some stuff official later on when I can focus on such things Reactivated project since I got hold of a PC at the end of february, thanks to one of my beloved sisters. Finally have a gaming PC again so I can record and stream WoW PVP! Improving so much faster. Again. Especially since my mindset just keeps on evolving. Michael Jordan level now I’m inactive there but I created an account and I am curious about that platform to be honest. For several reasons. The fact it’s an entirely different experience from the Twitch and Youtube viewer experience is a very welcome change. It actually feels a lot like the old internet did and I value that a lot. Time tells if I start a project there

For more episodes click here

Sunday, April 16, 2023

WoG Brainstormz # 49 - Busy Solo Shuffle Plans

Perturb's wise words, toon and realm choices, my updated thoughts on rating. Dragonflight

Minimal show notes from this point onward. It's more important for me to upload swiftly and keep my process as smooth as possible. That way I can keep on focusing entirely on improving rather than do things because it's "meta". At the end of the day my meta IS all about improving constantly and doing things my way

Watch my Twitch vods for the full Grayz experience

Take care out there
I Love You!

WoW info NA Main. 1.6k RBGs'thuzad/Globallxd Main alt Horde “main”. Will run Epic + BGs with chill communities every now and then. Nothing else planned

Bloodbound. Guild on Sargeras Recruitment post Winterz Twitch channel. Guildmaster

HARD SERVE. Guild on Kel’thuzad Tim’s Twitch channel. Guildmaster

WoW info EU New main. RBG’s in the future New main alt Ex main

Alliance Defence Force - ADF PVPXTV Community
Discord invite code, member channels, list of in-game guilds & communities and community addons

Grayz Content Reactivated this project during March since I got hold of a PC at the end of february. Finally have a gaming PC again so I can record and stream WoW PVP! Improving so much faster. Again. Especially since my mindset just keeps on evolving. Mindset is at Michael Jordan level now I type things whenever I feel like it in whichever quantity I want to  Inactive project officially, but I upload hidden videos for my own learning process. Might make some stuff official later on when I can focus on such things

For more episodes click here

Sunday, March 26, 2023

WoG Brainstormz # 48 vs Love Letterz # 3 - The Message

This episode was recorded during Shadowlands. No more show notes. Watch my Twitch vods for the full Grayz experience 

Take care out there
I Love You!

WoW info NA Main. 1.6k RBGs'thuzad/Globallxd Main alt Horde “main”. Will run Epic + BGs with chill communities every now and then. Nothing else planned

Bloodbound. Guild on Sargeras Recruitment post Winterz Twitch channel. Guildmaster

HARD SERVE. Guild on Kel’thuzad Tim’s Twitch channel. Guildmaster

WoW info EU New main. RBG’s in the future New main alt Ex main

Alliance Defence Force - ADF PVPXTV Community
Discord invite code, member channels, list of in-game guilds & communities and community addons 

Grayz Content I type things whenever I feel like it in whichever quantity I want to  Inactive project officially, but I upload hidden videos for my own learning process. Might make some stuff official later on when I can focus on such things  Reactivated project since I got hold of a PC at the end of february, thanks to one of my beloved sisters. Finally have a gaming PC again so I can record and stream WoW PVP! Improving so much faster. Again. Especially since my mindset just keeps on evolving. Michael Jordan level now

For more episodes click here

Saturday, March 25, 2023

WoG Brainstormz # 47 - Rogue Plans Before Dragonflight (Flashback)

This episode was recorded during Shadowlands. No more show notes. Watch my Twitch vods for the full Grayz experience 

Take care out there
I Love You!

WoW info NA Main. 1.6k RBGs'thuzad/Globallxd Main alt Horde “main”. Will run Epic + BGs with chill communities every now and then. Nothing else planned

Bloodbound. Guild on Sargeras Recruitment post Winterz Twitch channel. Guildmaster

HARD SERVE. Guild on Kel’thuzad Tim’s Twitch channel. Guildmaster

WoW info EU New main. RBG’s in the future New main alt Ex main

Alliance Defence Force - ADF PVPXTV Community
Discord invite code, member channels, list of in-game guilds & communities and community addons 

Grayz Content I type things whenever I feel like it in whichever quantity I want to  Inactive project officially, but I upload hidden videos for my own learning process. Might make some stuff official later on when I can focus on such things  Reactivated project since I got hold of a PC at the end of february, thanks to one of my beloved sisters. Finally have a gaming PC again so I can record and stream WoW PVP! Improving so much faster. Again. Especially since my mindset just keeps on evolving. Michael Jordan level now

For more episodes click here

Monday, March 20, 2023

WoG Brainstormz # 46 - Mob Life

Notice! Recorded two days after the first Dragonflight Update but uploaded to the podcast feed the very same day

How I'll adapt to the Solo Shuffle bracket and thus deal with other people "sucking" without ever feeling a need to tilt. Focus on what you can control and improve there

No more show notes from this point onward. It's so much more important for me to upload swiftly and keep my process as smooth and predictable as possible. That way I can keep on focusing entirely on improving rather than do things because it's "meta". At the end of the day my meta IS all about improving constantly and doing things my way

Watch my Twitch vods for the full Grayz experience

Take care out there
I Love You!

WoW info NA Main. 1.6k RBGs'thuzad/Globallxd Main alt Horde “main”. Will run Epic + BGs with chill communities every now and then. Nothing else planned

Bloodbound. Guild on Sargeras Recruitment post Winterz Twitch channel. Guildmaster

HARD SERVE. Guild on Kel’thuzad Tim’s Twitch channel. Guildmaster

WoW info EU New main. RBG’s in the future New main alt Ex main

Alliance Defence Force - ADF PVPXTV Community
Discord invite code, member channels, list of in-game guilds & communities and community addons 

Grayz Content Reactivated this project during March since I got hold of a PC at the end of february. Finally have a gaming PC again so I can record and stream WoW PVP! Improving so much faster. Again. Especially since my mindset just keeps on evolving. Mindset is at Michael Jordan level now I type things whenever I feel like it in whichever quantity I want to  Inactive project officially, but I upload hidden videos for my own learning process. Might make some stuff official later on when I can focus on such things

For more episodes click here

Dragonflight Update 1 - Swift Shifts

Things are changing and I'm loving it! Playing Rogue is an absolute game changer

No more show notes from this point onward. It's so much more important for me to upload swiftly and keep my process as smooth and predictable as possible. That way I can keep on focusing entirely on improving rather than do things because it's "meta". At the end of the day my meta IS all about improving constantly and doing things my way.

Watch my Twitch vods for the full Grayz experience

Take care out there

I Love You

WoW info NA Main. 1.6k RBGs'thuzad/Globallxd Main alt Horde “main”. Will run Epic + BGs with chill communities every now and then. Nothing else planned

Bloodbound. Guild on Sargeras Recruitment post Winterz Twitch channel. Guildmaster

HARD SERVE. Guild on Kel’thuzad Tim’s Twitch channel. Guildmaster

WoW info EU New main. RBG’s in the future New main alt Ex main

Alliance Defence Force - ADF PVPXTV Community

Discord invite code, member channels, list of in-game guilds & communities and community addons 

Grayz Content Reactivated this project during March since I got hold of a PC at the end of february. Finally have a gaming PC again so I can record and stream WoW PVP! Improving so much faster. Again. Especially since my mindset just keeps on evolving. Mindset is at Michael Jordan level now I type things whenever I feel like it in whichever quantity I want to Inactive project officially, but I upload hidden videos for my own learning process. Might make stuff official later on when I can focus on such things

For more episodes click here

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

WoG Brainstormz # 45 vs Love Letterz # 2 - Heirlooms & Gold Making vs Killers & Ghetto Birds

This episode is an unintentional inbetweener between the two different podcast projects and I'm keeping this recording since it's an important part of my process of living more authentically. Especially long-term when I will have learned more in the future and can look back at this period in hindsight

I’m trying to focus on topics regarding WoW while things happen on the streets. I tried writing some show notes for this one, but after more than 7 attempts I’m giving up and just letting it go. It’s all a part of the process of my own evolution

Y'all take care out there

WoW info NA toons. Active project EU toons. Inactive

Content I type things when I feel like it Currently inactive project, but this podcast might change things over there within x months Currently inactive project

For more episodes click here

Monday, October 31, 2022

WoG Brainstormz # 44 - Mindblown

This recording is all over the place a'la the classic Brainstormz episodes, but I still manage to dig deep. Just took much longer haha

I’m basically clearing my mind after an intense period. The more I keep on talking the more I notice how much this recording helps as a part of my mental regrouping as well as my healing process. I felt as if I was about become sick while recording this as well

  • I prefer female Rogues. The female Night Elf looks the absolute best with the best animations for my tast. Not sure which race I’ll use Horde side. The new models really have lessened my options in regards to races I want to play. What’s up with those creepy eyes?  
  • This is the single most chill return to a pre patch that I’ve ever had. Ever. There’s so much “you can do” that I’m skipping
  • The reasons why I want to main Rogue. Tired of carrying so many sets of gear as a Druid when I min max. As a Rogue all I need is to change weapons and PvP gear. Eventually. Playing on NA gives me a great opportunity to focus a lot more on one class compared to EU where I have a plethora of alts available. How I’ll switch from Rogue if I change my mind 
  • Starting out with chillsteps feels so good. It lays a great foundation if I want to go hard later on
  • The difference between EU and NA players in general. I have a Rank 1 mindset, but I would never spend the time reaching Rank 1 
  • Different pre patch behaviour in Shadowlands because of all the Garbage systems Blizzard implemented. Skipping a ton of "content". New playstyle priorities, PvP plans, Dragonflight choices,
  • Testing pre patch before buying the Dragonflight expansion
  • Solo Queue is rated. So what does that mean for the future? Solo RBG Queueing? Blizzard chose Solo Shuffle instead of Solo Queueing. The second choice would be so much easier to implement but Blizzard pride, bro. Modern Blizzard = Blizzard 2.0 and forward. Listen to episode # 32 for a breakdown of how Supercell managed to do what Blizzard 2.0 never could.
  • How I'd find and add chill PvPers through Solo Shuffling. The Butthurt meta mindset vs the Rank 1 mindset. The Rank 1 mindset is 3 - 10% of the entire playerbase and within that already limited percentage there will be another 3% that push harder than the other 97% within the Rank 1 range. I might delve deeper into this topic about the 1 - 3% mindset at a later date. Time tells, there's no rush  I type things when I feel like it Currently inactive project, but this podcast might change things over there within x months  Currently inactive project

For more episodes click here

Sunday, October 30, 2022

WoW or Gold - L O V E L E T T E R 2 0 2 2


  • Everything has changed
  • Everything has stayed the exact same







  • This is literally a Hardcore Mindset in action
  • You have been warned

WoG Brainstormz # 43 - 10.0 Dragonflight Pre Patch - Not playing has been the best way for me to play in Shadowlands

This gaming episode was recorded a week after the first Love Letterz episode that I mention during the recording. But at the time I wasn't sure if Love Letterz would be the name of that new project

  • Back to WoW. Resubbed as a way to chill out and get used to the 10.0 pre patch 
  • Casual playstyle. No Hardcore projects planned at all
  • Dragonflight thoughts. Less timesinks for me to avoid. Professions is one of the timesinks though. Choosing region
  • Using free PTR testing to save cash longer + the PTR IS available so why not? Ui, addons, keybindings etc
  • Which faction? Time tells
  • Dragonflight. Relaunch of retail WoW due to a huge loss of players. No, I still don't trust Blizzard 
  • I have a different pre patch behaviour in Shadowlands because of all the Garbage systems Blizzard implemented. The outdoor solo content sucks more than ever 
  • Taking breaks = saving so much irl lifetime + avoiding in game agony/slavery. I didn’t play the Shadowlands Tier Set patch at all. It feels like an absolute win since the Sets got nerfed during pre patch + Legendaries only work in Shadowlands zones now. It just goes to show how entirely messed up Blizzard's systems have been this dead expansion. I through in a pun there since Shadowlands killed WoW lololol
  • Switching main class to Rogue from Druid. Since we can fly + I expect Herbalism to be nerfed for Druids in all Dragonflight zones. In cleaner words, I doubt Druids will be the fastest gatherers in Dragonflight + with the Cross Faction Auction House I don’t expect herbs to be worth that much at all either during the entire expansion either. Unless Blizzard make their usual mistake of adding a non-flying zone. Which I bet they will. “Great Scott!” - Doc, Back to the Future
  • Portals and minimizing travel times is the highest priority. I’ll always be an Engineer on my toons IF the Dragonflight Wormhole is worth having as it was in Shadowlands
  • New UI? I’m not satisfied. I said that I miss the old nameplates but I meant the old targetplates 
  • I'll level alts to level 50. Then to level 60 from the 15th of November when Chromie Time gets boosted to level 60 content. During the recording I talked about Dragonflight launch because I didn't remember the 15th of november while I was recording 
  • Bleach 1000 Year War adaption lasts 52 weeks with ZERO filler. It will be so fun to watch and add to my recurring anime watch list of classic favorites
  • With Blizzard games you have to play smart if you don’t have time to spare. NOT playing WoW is the best way for me to play right now. The longest break I have ever taken gave me the opportunity to focus on other fun stuff in life and come back when I could skip most of the Shadowlands systems entirely. I’m a master at adaptation + avoiding timesinks while maximizing my fun. The reason why I mention this concept nonstop year after year? Because it is the main reason I can play and have fun in WoW and has been they way that I have played since I finally got Earthwarden to drop on my Bear Druid alt after burning out on PvE content in TBC. I mained Hunter and played Mage as an alt as well. Of course! Gold making was ALWAYS a very high priority from the very beginning since my friend, Thefortunate, told me that gold was so hard to make. You see how it all comes together and connects in Grayz’s World now? Haha I type things when I feel like it Currently inactive project, but this podcast might change things over there within x months Currently inactive project

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